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Welcome to my doula page, I'm glad you're here. 

I'm looking forward to connecting with you and I hope to have the privilege of being your doula, supporting, advising and accompanying you in this unique time of pregnancy, birth, and the first few weeks of motherhood and family life. 

My name is Irit Fine, I am a mother of three kids who are now 20, 16 and 13 years old. I'm originally Swiss but have lived in Israel for many years.

For me, being a Doula is all about accompanying you on your magical journey of pregnancy and childbirth and allowing you to feel free and supported just the way you need.

My name is Irit Fine, I am a mother of three kids who are now 20, 16 and 13 years old. I'm originally Swiss but have lived in Israel for many years.

I own a contemporary art gallery based in Tel Aviv and Zurich, through which I accompany artists in their career and journey. Since moving to Zürich 8 years ago, I became a Doula, which has become a very meaningful part of my self-fulfillment and realization as a woman. For me, being a doula is all about allowing you to feel free and supported just the way you need.

Welcome to my doula page, I'm glad you're here. 

I'm looking forward to connecting with you and I hope to have the privilege of being your doula, supporting, advising and accompanying you in this unique time of pregnancy, child labor, and the first few weeks of motherhood and family life. 

The Process

When I accompany you, we usually meet a few times during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. I will get to know you and your partner and understand your values and wishes. Through the guided preparation for birth, listening to your preferences, fantasies, doubts, fears and previous experiences, a bond of trust is formed which will allow me to support you and strengthen your confidence so that you will experience the birth of your child in a profound and meaningful way.

During Birth

I will accompany you already at home during the initial stage of labor and we leave together to the hospital or birth center. I will remain present during the whole process of the birth, regardless of the time it should take and will provide you with emotional and practical support. The Doula also guides the partner for a meaningful and active involvement during birth, as to prevent him from feeling helpless and unneeded. Sometimes a medical intervention is necessary and inevitable. If this is the case, I will help you and empower you to have a positive birth experience, one where you feel honored and respected throughout your journey.

During Birth

I will accompany you already at home during the initial stage of labor and we leave together to the hospital or birth center. I will remain present during the whole process of the birth, regardless of the time it should take and will provide you with emotional and practical support. The Doula also guides the partner for a meaningful and active involvement during birth, as to prevent him from feeling helpless and unneeded. Sometimes a medical intervention is necessary and inevitable. If this is the case, I will help you and empower you to have a positive birth experience, one where you feel honored and respected throughout your journey.

After Birth

We will meet a few times after birth and will review the birthing experience. I will remain at your disposal for any question you might have during these first months. Following the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” I will support the family wherever needed. 

 “Having a positive birth experience is something that extends well beyond the hours of labor and delivery.  It will gift you with positive memories that will reflect on your bonding with your baby, your health and well-being, and the spirit you bring to your growing family.” – Lara Gomez

Special Rituals and Ceremonies offered

These beautiful ceremonies offered can be booked for yourself, your daughter, a friend or anyone close to whom you would like to treat with a unique and special experience. 


Blessingway is a unique and most beautiful ceremony to honor and bless the expectant mother! A women circle (close friends and family) comes together to bless and embrace you with love. This ceremony can take place anytime before birth.

Closing of the Bones

The Closing of the Bones is a postnatal ceremony offered after birth, that brings the mother back to herself through ritual. It offers the space and support for her to return to her own body after having experienced pregnancy and childbirth. The ceremony usually takes place a few weeks after the birth.

Womb Blessing

Womb Blessings and Womb Healings are beautiful personal ceremonies and energy attunements as a celebration of our femininity, a path of deep healing/awakening or empowering or celebration of first menstruation or menopause, or simply a monthly sanctuary to restore our energies.

Birth Preparation Course

An individual birth preparation course will help you to get acquainted with the different stages of pregnancy and birth. It is a personal and intimate course that will guide you through the birthing process and the orchestration of the hormones for a natural birth. I will instruct you about possible positions for labour, birthing breathing practices and other techniques that will help alleviate pain. We will elaborate on relaxation and visualization, movements and how your partner can support you.
